Trace of impressions
French music for violin and piano
Anders Nilsson, violin / Sveinung Bjelland, piano
The accelerating globalisation that took place from the mid-19th century had a profound impact on cultural and artistic developments in Europe, and exposure to the art and music from distant parts of the world was, for many, something of a shock and provided a major source of inspiration. In painting, for example, French artists sought new motifs and styles, and Impressionism emerged. It was not long before composers followed their example, and for them the philosophical and artistic world of the Far East was an especially dynamic influence. The music of Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel is a prime example of this, and shows the arts following new paths while, at the same time, forging fresh ones for others to follow.

Album reviews
- The very opening piano phrase – a round, warm tone as rich as dark chocolate – makes it instantly clear that this is going to be a superior disc, and so it proves. I’ve long admired Sveinung Bjelland’s pianism: it’s alert and sensitive and thoroughly intelligent. In a CD of music as well known as the two grand-daddies of French impressionism it’s not easy to make the music sound completely fresh, but Kjellberg Nilsson and Bjelland do just that. You can hardly ask for more. KLASSISK - MUSIC MAGAZINE, nov 2013
- Anders Kjellberg Nilsson på fiolin og Sveinung Bjelland på klaver åpner utgivelsen "trace of impressions"
med et lite lystsjokk, Jascha Heifetz arrangement av Claude Debussys "Beau Soir".
Dermed er stemningen satt for en utsøkt utgivelse på 2L som krysser seg gjennom kjente og mindre kjente verker av Debussy og Ravel. Bjelland toner seg fint inn på denne musikkens til dels duse klangkvaliteter, uten noen gang å sløre den til. Nilsson har en djervhet i strøket som han tar langt ut - der hvor musikken inviterer til det. Samspillet mellom dem er en fryd, det samme er håndplukket av verker.
DAGBLADET, Ståle Wikshåland 11.09.2013